Solar Panel Maintenance
Are you concerned about solar panels and hail? Don't be concerned! Solar panel systems are extremely robust and require little to no maintenance over the course of their useful lives, which can be 25 years or more. If something does go wrong, the components of your solar PV system have very extensive warranties that cover replacement and repair costs. If you lease your solar panel system, repairs and maintenance are the duty of the leasing company, not yours.
How to Care for Your Solar Panels
As previously stated, solar panel systems require little (if any) maintenance over their lifetime. Solar panels are composed of tempered glass and are designed to withstand hail and other severe weather. Solar panel systems, with the exception of tracking mounts, do not have moveable parts, which reduces the likelihood of difficulties. In most cases, keeping your panels clear of debris is all you'll need to do in terms of maintenance. Any problems with solar panel performance are mainly related to power generation, which is why most installers advocate monitoring the output of your system. You can identify and address difficulties more effectively if you pay attention to changes in productivity.
Is It Necessary to Clean Your Solar Panels?
Solar panels do not need to be cleaned in general; rooftop panels at an angle will automatically clear off with rainfall. If you reside in an area with a lot of smog, dust, or dirt, you may notice a drop in your production over time (particularly during periods of low rain), which may be solved by cleaning your panels. However, if your panels are located on your roof, you should engage a professional cleaning service rather than attempting to clean them yourself. Your installer will be able to recommend someone in your area who can assist you.
How Can I Know if My Solar Panels Need to Be Serviced?
A broken, dirty, or otherwise malfunctioning solar system will leave a trail of breadcrumbs in its energy output statistics. In most circumstances, you may narrow down the culprit for faster-than-usual degradation by monitoring your electricity bill, system software, or establishing a solar monitoring system. You can identify and address difficulties more effectively if you pay attention to changes in productivity.
Warranty on Solar Panels: What Happens if Something Goes Wrong?
Manufacturers of solar panels offer a variety of warranties that ensure you will have support and coverage in the unusual case of an emergency, such as hail or falling tree limbs. Power output warranties guarantee that panel performance will not fall below a certain level during the warranty period (usually 25 years). For example, a manufacturer may offer a warranty that guarantees peak power output will not decrease below 85 percent for the next 25 years.
Some manufacturers will additionally include a warranty that guarantees a higher production level in a shorter period of time. A secondary warranty, for example, would guarantee no less than 90% of initial power output for the first ten years.
Panels are commonly sold with a workmanship warranty that protects consumers against defective panel parts for the first five years of use. Solar inverters are also covered by warranties, which are typically for ten years. In many situations, these guarantees imply that you will incur little to no solar panel maintenance charges throughout the course of your system's lifetime.
Begin Your Solar Journey With Xpress Industries Today
Brendale's solar supplier and installer, Xpress Industries, competes for your business with unique solar bids tailored to your needs. Schedule a consultation today to learn how much money you can save by going solar.